我面试的是机器人工程 面试流程:多面多 我记得是五个人一起 自我介绍 中文 英文口语 我被问到:请你介绍一个你经历过的志愿者活动,并分享感想 考官提问 按照序号轮流回答(对于末位很不利 我就是因为末位发言 导致我的想法被别人说完了) 问题 请你介绍卷积神经网络 用什么原理或技术实现乒乓球机器人 请你证明勾股定理(方法不得重复) 针对自我介绍的内容提问(项目经历 获奖等) 多面一(大概5分钟,五六个人面你一个) 自我介绍(同上)) 技巧 一般最简单的结构就是开场白-分1-分2-分3-结尾。内容主要是把自己和专业的契合度说出来。像工科的话比如之前做过什么项目 得过什么奖项 自己学习过什么软件 有什么特殊经历比如竞赛 技术分数特别高也可以说。提前准备对于自己闪光点有可能被问到的题目,在自我介绍里面针对自己闪光点做一个hook,吸引面试官提问吧,然后就可以直接背稿了。实在攒不到什么闪光点,个性爱好也许也能凑凑字数?但可能没啥用() hook举例: “我对于前沿技术很感兴趣,空余时候经常关注前沿技术进展”->吸引面试官提问“你了解过什么前沿技术...
Hard Transportation Hub王子轩Date: 2024-5-6 Chapter 1: IntroductionBackgroundGiven the map of a country, there could be more than one shortest path between any pair of cities. A transportation hub is a city that is on no less than k shortest paths (the source and the destination NOT included). AimFind for a given pair of cities, the transportation hubs on the way. What we need to doThe adjacency table is used to construct the graph as a data structure, after reading the data, then Dijkstra’s...
Hard Autograd for Algebraic Expressionsauthor:王子轩Date: 2024-4-6 Chapter 1: IntroductionBackgroundThe application of automatic differentiation technology in frameworks such as torch and tensorflow has greatly facilitated people’s implementation and training of deep learning algorithms based on backpropagation. AimNow, we hope to implement an automatic differentiation program for algebraic expressions. What we need to dofirst build a binary tree according to the given expression, then...
Hard Performance Measurement (A+B)王子轩Date: 2024-3-13 Chapter 1: IntroductionGiven S as a collection of N positive integers that are no more than V. For any given number c, you are supposed to find two integers a and b from S, so that a+b=c. What needs to be done: Use Srand to randomly generate a non-repeating S array, then find two numbers from it and output them when they add up to equal C. You can consider using bucket sorting. Why do it: Srand plus an array of record duplicates can...
Replacement Selection王子轩Date: 2024-6-8 Chapter 1: IntroductionNotice that as soon as the first record is written to an output tape, the memory it used becomes available for another record. Assume that we are sorting in ascending order, if the next record is not smaller than the record we have just output, then it can be included in the run. Chapter 2: Algorithm...
LRU-K王子轩Date: 2024-6-8 Chapter 1: IntroductionLeast Recently Used (LRU) cache scheme is to remove the least recently used frame (the one hasn’t been used for the longest amount of time) when the cache is full and a new page is referenced which is not there in cache. LRU-K is a variant of the LRU algorithm, where K represents the number of recent uses. LRU can be considered as LRU-1. Unlike LRU, the LRU-K requires the maintenance of two different queues (for historical access and cache). The...
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